Monday, February 9, 2009

Ron, the human backboard

Here's Ronnie, someone that I've been playing with since Day 1 at midtown tennis (that's at least 14 years at a minimum).  He's very deceiving.  In fact a lot of people don't like to play with him because they think he's a pusher.  And of course because they usually loose to him too.  Ron's a bit heavy but has great court sense.  And his ground strokes are super solid.  The only problem is his serve.  It's a low, weak slice sort of like Dementieva used to have.  She's finally faced her problem and has fixed it so that she could continue to move up.  But he hasn't.  That's my only complaint against Ron (aside from his sometimes bratty attitude).  He's just not willing to address his serve.  Says that it's so low to the backhand that no one can attack it.  May or may not be true but he's definitely not winning any easy points with it either.   Don't just rely on your groundstrokes.  Build your others skills too so that you continue to improve.

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